Saturday, October 23, 2010

Girl Response

Wear your hair down, unload the dishwasher, Can you make dinner? You're not making it right!, Use this lotion, Pluck your eyebrows, You look best in pink, Stop dying your hair, I think you'd look better if you lost some wait; you were so pretty when you did ballet; stop sleeping with guys, stop sleeping with guys who don't love you; stop selling yourself short; don't go into that career, but do what you want; let your nails grow; stop bringing strays home; don't smoke, don't don't don't But I do well then, fine; I'm sorry; vaccuum, feed the dog; listen to me and not your father; listen to your father; don't be out too late; call me; I'm so glad you're not like your brother; and why can't you be more like your brother? You eat too much; You never eat; Have faith; this is how you make bleenies; this is how you make artichoke sauce; this is how you decorate a tree; This is why I love you; have fun, be safe; Where the hell were you?; Don't talk back to me; grab a coat; This is how you make ambrosia; this is how it's supposed to be; those jeans are too tight; clean your room. clean your room. You need to clean your room; be the strong capable woman I know you are now, not like how you used to be years ago; Break up with him, keep him; call your brother; water the plants, don't drown them!; this is how you do laundry; my cookies are better than yours; I'm so proud of you; what are you doing with your life?; you need to help out more around the house; I'm so glad you're starting to look like me; you are so smart; don't talk like that; This is what happened last night and why i'm so mad; do your homework; do your best, always; I love you; I love you too Mom.

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